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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

נס גדול היה פה - A Great Miracle Happened Here

You may be asking why I have used the Hanukkah saying as my title, since Hanukkah is a few weeks I will explain.

Today, while working on the date bags, there were lots of clouds in the sky, which one, made for an incredible sunrise glow on the Jordanian Red Mountains, but also surprised us all. As we worked, it started to drizzle, and then actually started raining. While this may not be an actual miracle, it is very exciting because the Arava (where I am living... which is part of the Negev desert) very rarely gets rain. All of Shnat Netzer along with most everybody on the Kibbutz was very surprised by this desert phenomenon, but thankfully it didn't last long because once it stopped, we were able to keep working on the bags and FINISH!!!

The massive piles of date bags which we were given the task of folding/rolling, which we never thought we would see the bottom of, has been depleted. Everyone was so excited as we rolled the last stack of bags, and its just in time, because we only have one more day of volunteer on kibbutz. So thats it for the little check in today. I have a trip tomorrow, and we have a big surprise so we will see, and then I move up to Karmiel on Sunday... and I am very excited for that. I'll write again soon!

That's all folks!

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